
Hoarder - The Self-Hosted Bookmark Manager

Trying out Hoarder app today, to see whether it would competes Anybox as my main bookmark manager. I do like self-hosting services, and I like hoarding stuff 🤭.

At first sight, it feels like a complete app I can put in production, it has a iOS app with share sheet support, chrome extension for easily save from browser, it saves note and images.

I really like the ability to have AI tagging for links and images so that I don't have to manually organize them. And the full text search is something Anybox doesn't have yet. While I write this article, May 2024, it is still under review in the canny page of Anybox.

However, there are some features missing before it can become my main bookmark manager.

Other features could be useful:

To conclude, it will not replace Anybox with Hoarder for now. But it is a very young and promising open-source app with rapid iteration, someday it might will.

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Created: 2024-05-24 Updated: 2024-05-24